Tuesday 27 August 2013


This is a case of two individuals seeking employment in an organization. Unknown to them, they are being tested for their level of emotional intelligence. The following conversation ensued between the candidates and the receptionist.

Candidate A- Good morning ma, I am here for the job interview.
Receptionist- Really, this is not the section for the interview of cleaners.
Candidate A- What do you mean? That is rather insulting. Do I look like a cleaner to you?
Receptionist-  What if I say you do? What will you do about it?
Candidate A- I would say you are not in your right senses. Is this how you are trained to attend to people?
Receptionist-  Don't insult me, you this ill-mannered human being.

Following this, an argument broke between them and the manager had to be called. To cut the long story short, the employee was escorted out of the premises.

Here is a dialogue between another candidate and the receptionist.

Candidate B- Good morning ma, please I am here for the interview.
Receptionist-  Really, this is not the section for the interview of cleaners.
Candidate B-  I am sorry ma. I am here for the interview for sales executives.
Receptionist- (hisses), You wish, please stop disturbing me.
Candidate- I know ma, but please can you point me to the venue?
Receptionist-  Whatever, it is down the corridor on your left.
Candidate B-  Thank you so much, I am grateful for your time.
Receptionist- You are welcome (sighs), some people don't give up though.

Which of them showed a great level of emotional intelligence? Candidate A or B? Choosing your answer will be very easy after going through this article.

Emotional intelligence???  Yes, you may wonder what that has to do with securing a job, but let me tell you that getting a job, not just any job, but your dream job is tied to how emotionally intelligent you are and not just on your level of intelligence. Being emotionally intelligent is your ticket to your dream job but as easy as it seems, most youths lack emotional intelligence.

Sometimes you leave an interview room feeling that you have nailed it, yet you are not called. Who knows?You may have gotten wrong it wrong in the area of emotional intelligence. How emotionally intelligent were you  during the interview?

What is emotional intelligence anyway? It is the ability to recognize your emotions, understand what they are telling you and how they affect people around you. Emotional intelligence also involves your perception of others; when you understand how they are feeling, it allows you to manage relationships more effectively.

You must be emotionally intelligent to relate with the people you meet, not just on the interview panel, but every other person you may come across in the organization. One who is emotionally intelligent has things working out smoothly for him or her because they understand those around them. Also, being emotionally intelligent does not only get you the job but keeps you in it.

How then do you possess emotional intelligence? For one to be emotional intelligent, one must possess the following:
-Social skills

To be employable, emotional intelligence should be your opium. After reading this article, which of the two candidates was emotionally intelligent?

Emotional Intelligence quotes:

“In a very real sense we have two minds, one that thinks and one that feels”. Daniel Goleman.

“Use pain as a stepping stone, not a camp ground.” —- Alan Cohen

“Whatever is begun in anger, ends in shame.” —- Benjamin Franklin

“Where we have strong emotions, we’re liable to fool ourselves.” – Carl Sagan

“We are dangerous when we are not conscious of our responsibility for how we behave, think, and feel.” -— Marshall B. Rosenberg“

There is no separation of mind and emotions; emotions, thinking, and learning are all linked.” — Eric Jensen.

- Blessing Obasuyi (@bdestinyobasuyi)


  1. Very educating and entertaining.

  2. It really address the issue of employability and am impressed.

  3. Like the popular saying goes: character is like a smoke, u can't hide it. With this Article it wil help one controle his/her Emotion. This Article goes for everyone not only for the Youth or someone seeking for job! It's educative.
    After reading this Article I discover that there's something I need to work on concerning my emotion. God Bless ds writer.

  4. Beautiful write up

  5. the first thing i want to comment on is the brilliant use of the dialogue between the secretary and d two candidates. dnt ask me which one will describe my disposition if im in their shoes? probably before reading this article, i d act like candidate A but thanks to the education from this article. Indeed emotional intelligence is essential for a healthy relationship. More ink in your pen, more wisdom in your cerebral.
